
One man’s mission to plant trees and revive a centuries-old philosophy in the Andes Mountains

Constantino (Tino) Aucca is a trailblazer in the restoration efforts of South America’s rare and wonderful Polylepis 森林s. 作为总裁和联合创始人 Accion Andina他是植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会值得信赖的植澳门威尼斯人游戏合作伙伴.

蒂诺也是2022年联合国环境规划署的获奖者 地球卫士奖. 这个年度奖项旨在表彰那些“为我们的世界采取大胆澳门威尼斯人游戏”的个人.”

对于那些和他一起工作的人来说,他的认可并不奇怪. 蒂诺是那种通过澳门威尼斯人游戏激励他人的领导者. He knows what it takes to re森林 one of the most fragile and critical ecosystems in the world — a passion for the planet, 对当地遗产和文化的高度尊重, 并且愿意做艰苦的工作.

The 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会 is excited to celebrate Tino’s recognition as well as the legacy he is building. We got in touch with him to hear more about the motivation behind his work as well as his passion for 森林s and the people who care for them.

恭喜你当之无愧的获奖,蒂诺. 告诉我们你是如何与森林建立个人联系的.

我来自一个土著家庭(盖丘亚-印加), 我早年在哪里, 我在离库斯科35公里的农场里照顾祖父母的牛. 从一开始,他们就教会了我森林和环境的重要性. 后来当我在大学学习的时候, 我的大部分周末和假期, 我睡在有森林和湖泊的山上, 享受大自然和它的生物.

1989年,当我还是Dr. Jon fjeldsen(哥本哈根博物馆动物部主任), 我们去了阿亚库乔和阿普里马克高地(秘鲁中南部)。, 寻找波利皮斯森林. 这是在游击队战斗地区的艰难时期(紧急情况). We survived the dangers, and Jon was able to finish his famous book “Birds of the High Andes.” That trip is when I understood from Jon that I must commit myself to protecting Polylepis 森林s. 那时,我的梦想是获得硕士学位和博士学位.D. But Jon told me that for the world, protecting the Polylepis will be the best thing that I can do. All the social and cultural heritage that I received from my parents and grandparents and my understanding of the urgent needs of indigenous communities like mine pushed me to take on this responsibility. 但在最初的十年里, 这很难,因为没有人, 除了乔恩, understood this as a great objective or thought it was possible to make even a modest living doing this.

这个地区有很多丰富的文化和历史. 你如何在你的植澳门威尼斯人游戏活动中尊重这一传统?

Descending from an Incan 文化 and spending all my earlier age with all those local groups, 我从他们那里得到了我们民族的全部历史. 我学到了什么教训? 首先,我们需要尊重所有这些社区. 来自大城市的人并不优越. 第二:说话. We must learn at least a few words from the people in their language if we want to have more trust and better understanding. 来自大城市和现代家庭的刻板印象是有害的. 第三,听. 这些团体有很多东西可以告诉我们,可以教给我们. 他们想要分享他们真实的历史. But if people come with egos and think they have the magic formula and city solutions for everything, 这是绝对错误的立场. 第四,学习:人们有很多知识. 令人惊讶的是,我们可以用一个简单的方法来解决我们的许多问题. 我练习这些方法. 读了很多历史, 探索, and reviving knowledge of ancient practices permit me to think on a bigger scale to plant millions of trees.

But restoration is not just the planting of the trees at Accion Andina and Global Forest Generation. 我们的活动从收集插枝和种子开始. Between 8-10 months of continuous production occurs in the nurseries before the final planting activity, 这将使社区中的每个人都参与进来, 从非常年轻到非常年老. Complementary activities reflecting the needs of a real restoration program include control of fires, 栅栏保护修复和残存的老森林, 监控, 保护对当地家庭有利, 环境教育, 等. 修复计划使整个社区受益, 他们团结, 组织他们, 因为每个人都平等地一起工作.

Constantino和他的导师Dr. Jon fjelds |图片来源:Global Forest Generation(左图) & ECOAN(右图)

Tell us more about the Incan principles of “Ayni and Minka” and how they inspire your work.

当印加人决定做出巨大的承诺让宏伟的计划成为现实时, 他们知道他们需要大量的人. 他们想出了一个成功的公式,Ayni和Minka. 在盖丘亚语中,Ayni的意思是今天对我来说,明天对你来说. “明卡”的意思是让我们为了一个共同的目标而共同努力.

以一种有效的方式种植数百万棵澳门威尼斯人游戏不仅仅是考虑工资. 如果这个项目会付出巨大的代价, 修复运动的巨额工资, 这是不可持续的. 那么,我们怎样才能使人们为一个共同的目标而共同努力呢? 容易. 使用Ayni和Minka的做法. 这在几千年前就非常有效了, 今天,ECOAN和Accion Andina让它再次完美地运转起来, 提醒人们他们的历史,鼓励对他们古老遗产的自豪感.

What have community members told you about how de森林ation of the mountain 森林s affects them?

当我在2000年开始这个项目的时候, we used a flagship tree species to convince our donors and the 当地和土著社区 of its value. 十多年后,记者问民众:“你们为什么要这样做?得到的回答总是一样的:“我们这么做是为了水。.我立刻说:“等等。, 等待, 等待, 据说我们这么做是为了鸟, 其他动物, 森林, 和山脉. 现在你又说这是为了水? 这是怎么回事??他们回答说:“最亲爱的蒂诺神父。, 水对我们来说就是生命, 经济, 还有我们孩子的未来. 因此,所有这些努力都是为了水. 很抱歉.我说:“别担心。. 谢谢你的精彩回答,因为这比硕士或博士学位更重要.D. 教训. 对我来说,这是一个完美的气候变化课程.从那时起, 我的非盈利环保组织ECOAN改变了我们的使命, 专注于水, 风景, 山, 生物多样性和文化. 正如我告诉你的,这永远是一个学习的过程.

你在安第斯山脉种植作物时面临的最大挑战是什么, 你如何直面挑战呢?

对我和我的项目来说,最大的挑战是首先, 第二,赢得当地和土著社区的信任, 保持社区和项目的稳定性和可持续性. 为了信任,我们与人民一起工作了很多年. We never abandoned them, even during the COVID times, and that created total trust and loyalty. 为了可持续发展,我们一直在努力. 但有时政治、天气和全球优先事项会伤害我们. 如果我们不能确定继续扩展的资金数量, 那么我们就不能承诺我们可能无法实现的事情. 光靠文字,人是无法生存的.

你什么时候开始和植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会合作的, 以及这种伙伴关系如何帮助您的组织实现其目标?

Accion Andina and Global Forest Generation first partnered with the 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会 in 2020. The 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会 gives us more opportunities to consolidate our community 森林 restoration program. 有了这个基金会这个盟友的帮助,我们共同的梦想正在变成现实.


你大部分时间都在种植区工作. 为什么你觉得在现场把澳门威尼斯人游戏种在地里很重要?

Leaders must be role models, working with the people, providing inspiration along with action. 当然,每个人都想看到父亲,Apu, Curaca, Jefe等.在实地开展实际澳门威尼斯人游戏. 能量在领导人和人民之间来回传递. 他们很高兴看到积极、投入的领导者. This energy and hope is so powerful for all of us, strengthening everyone’s commitment.

The people in the past had many bad experiences with “leaders” who arrived just for the photo opportunity, 说些好听的话, 但绝不和当地人混在一起, 永远不会成为其中一员. 那不是我的方式.


We hope our legacy will be lasting protection and regeneration of the 森林s of the Andes. 帕查玛玛,地球母亲. We want to prove that local people can do big actions that leave millions of trees growing for the benefit of all the world’s future generations.


这意味着有更多的机会畅所欲言, 说实话, to stand up in front of all the super experts who want to maintain their egos and comfort and status quo and to tell them what the 当地和土著社区 need. 以及地球需要什么.

I am learning that people are happy knowing that there will be a person (me) who can speak clearly and transparently and with conviction about conservation, 当地和土著社区, 水, 文化, 等. I am pleased that I can carry the message of Ayni and Minka — the ancient Inca principles of working together for the common good — to global audiences. 这不仅仅是一个古老的信息. It is a timeless and urgent message for everyone everywhere if nature and people are to survive.

Tino is a strong leader and an amazing partner for the 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会 — truly embodying the spirit of the 地球卫士奖. And his organization is an important part of the Foundation’s global network of tree planting partners that have the much-needed local knowledge and expertise to ensure the right trees are planted in the right places for the right reasons.



